These items are strictly prohibited.

We do not accept or ship any items that can be considered offensive, prohibited, hazardous or dangerous items, such as fire extinguishers, chemicals, plants, seeds, animal parts, weapons, ammunition, parts/accessory of weapons or counterfeit item or other items that a mail carrier would not accept.

  • Food & Perishables
  • Fruits and Vegetables
  • Raw Rice Flours
  • Liquids & Semi-liquids
  • Drugs and Narcotics
  • Electrical Product
  • Corpses
  • Indian Passport
  • Non-Veg Pickles
  • Gambling Devices
  • Firearms
  • Semi-Precious Items
  • IATA Restricted Items
  • Philately Items
  • Radioactive Material
  • Bullion
  • Pornography
  • Medication
  • Indian Postal Articles
  • USA Green Card
  • Lottery Tickets
  • Ammunition
  • Precious Items
  • Cremated Remains
  • Live Animals
  • Drugs and Narcotics
  • Electrical Product
  • Corpses